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Spirit-led is an online group course for women who are tired of compromising their energy, overextending themselves, and are interested in finding more pleasure, beauty and magic in their day to day world.
Together with my dear friend Lauren Merrill— energy healer, esthetician, and aromatherapist— we will be holding this unique course and serving as a bridge between spirit and ordinary reality. We will be teaching embodiment and daily ritual practices from our own in-depth studies to help you ground your mind-body-spirit practices into your everyday life.
Over the course of 3 months, you will go on a series of guided shamanic journeys, heart-centered discussion and shares, and entryways into the beauty found in a community of like-minded souls.
How to support your nervous system (regulating yourself among anxiety, overwhelm, and shut down)
How to be with your emotional process and alchemize stuck energy, old patterns, and trauma so it is no longer holding you back
Daily beauty rituals (facial massage techniques, acupressure points, tapping)
Intro to the energy centers/chakra system/aura (daily ways to clear and ground your energy)
How to do a shamanic journey to meet your unique guides and receive wisdom from spirit
How to create sacred space to connect with your intuition and spirit
Ritual tools (incenses/resins, working with aromatic oils, anointment, drumming, altar building, breath,)
Tending to the self: moving out of the “overstretched empath” archetype
Finding your inner truth and clarity among indecision and outside opinions & information
BEGINS 6/19 and COMPLETES 9/25
meet with us for 2 group sessions each month, over the span of 3 months
gathering on wednesdays from 10 am - 12 pm PST — you can attend each session live, or participate at your own pace with video replays
ᯤ june 19th — opening ceremony⊹ july 3rd
⊹ july 17th
⊹ july 31st
⊹ august 14th
⊹ august 28th
⊹ september 11th
ᯤ september 25th — final call

(8) 2-hour long group sessions featuring guided shamanic journeys and heart centered discussion/shares
2 guest teacher divination readings using the runes with Northern Shaman Jeremy White to help with deeper wisdom and guidance on your journey
supportive and like minded community to process with and feel supported by
access to zoom recordings to follow-along at your own pace
resource center of meditation tools, at-home energy and emotional healing resources, and ritual practices for inspiration and spiritual connection
an understanding of how to incorporate energy work, holistic healing, and ritual into your life in an easy and applicable way
“Something powerful happens when women come together and weave their wisdom and experiences.”
“Spirit Led… this curriculum and the processing of entering this portal was truly that. An unseen guiding post with anchor points that helped ground in the highs and the lows of everyone’s personal heroines journey. Lauren and Nicole are intuitively guided, they wonderfully reflect back each individuals experience, and create sacred space. Jeremy’s knowledge of the runes, folklore, and shamanic journeying revealed the kernels within each of us. As a team they embodied the wisdom of the maiden, mother, and crone energies.”
“The journeys brought such interesting information and are a tool I need to practice more- this course gave me a great tune up. I loved having Jeremy involved; the powerful positive male energy he brings adds a whole different dimension.”
“The supportive, loving atmosphere of the group with the mix of learning and guided journeys was just right for me.”

Nicole has been working in the mental health field for 17 years and specializes in trauma healing and shamanic work. She blends western practices with ancient practices to work with the mind, body, and spirit. She is currently living in Costa Rica with her daughter swimming in the ocean and creating a beautiful life.
Lauren specializes in guiding others deeper into the intelligence of their body, senses, and inner compass. Through her 10+ years of study in the healing arts, her mission is to connect other women with healing practices and ritual tools to help strengthen their self-belief and embrace their inner power.
At the beginning and end of your journey, the group will be joined by Jeremy White— Story Teller, Northern Shaman, and Teacher. He will be leading us on guided drum journeys, and consulting the Elder Futhark Runes for spiritual guidance to support you on your unique path.
Reserve your spot, and reach out with any questions.
“When we bring our attention back to discovering who we are on the inside—not who we wish we were or who we think we should be—we begin a sacred path of transformation toward our innate, authentic, embodied power. This is the path of the Warrior Goddess.”
— HeatherAsh Amara

This is for women who want to incorporate ritual and journey work into their lives with the support of an authentic, heart-based group container of experienced mentors.
This is for women who are interested in healing the energetic blocks that are holding them back from embodying who they truly are, and the powerful gifts that they carry.
This is for you if you feel the gentle nudging of your spirit, and the tugging of your curiosity.
May we all
Allow our broken hearts
To remain open
To show up
As luminous warriors
Wielding the sword of Light & Truth
May we be lovers
And mystics
And Wayshowers
Of Love
And may we each be the safe harbor
For each other
To rest in
When we grow weary
And get lost
And forget just how
Perfectly orchestrated
Our Being Here
Truly is.
by nicole ford